What we do for sellers
Our experience in the Newsagency industry is our legacy. We rate second to none with our depth of knowledge in the field, specialising with up to date industry issues and lending availability, with contacts for eligible loans. Every newsagency is run differently. We specialise in presenting your business, so your buyer will understand it. This enables buyers to see individually how they can relate to YOUR Business for Sale.
In NSW we have been the leader in Sales for the past 20 years. We can assure you of maximum effort and coverage.
If you are thinking about selling soon, contact us so we can prepare the best exit strategy for you.
How we do it
We discuss your business with you and then send an Information Kit which asks for documentation, so we can appraise the business. Once completed we discuss the result and if you wish to continue the selling process, we arrange a store visit to suit. At the store we discuss the business and familiarise completely with your store’s presentation and surroundings. We take professional standard photos for our website.
We create a professional Business Profile and send it to prospective purchasers who have expressed keen interest and have signed a Confidentiality Agreement.
In our Business Profile we include a graph which shows a footprint of the income and expenses. There are no rights or wrongs as a standard benchmark. Businesses have different operating procedures showing different results. A purchaser will need to look at an operation allowing flexibility to suit their requirements as their commitments may be different to those in the Graph. Talk with us about how we can assist.
The graph above shows the percentages of all expenses to the gross Profit. The example above is not related to your business. No two Businesses are the same.

How does this help your business?
What are the right percentages for your business operation to be at its best performance? Wages too high, Expenses not right, Rent reduction needed? BPA’s Biz Pac can get the best results for you. We can re-construct your model from what is NOT working to what is best for your store and more importantly show you the different ways your store could be run by others as each business is individual.
Contact us for information on 0407 206 016.
What we do for buyers
BPBrokers help buyers by providing transparent detail in a very professionally presented Business Profile containing information about each specific newsagency – asking price, hours of operation, staff rosters, retail space, Lotteries Report and the latest available Profit and Loss Statement provided by the vendor’s accountant.
Step-by-step for buyers
Where do I start?
Simply select a newsagency or more that interests you for what you believe is suitable in price range, location etc. Contact us to discuss or fill out the onsite Confidentiality Agreement next to the appropriate newsagency/s you are interested in. You can use the same form for any number of newsagencies.
What can I expect?
A very professionally presented Business Profile with source documents.
What do I do next?
After you have made a list of queries that you may have you can contact us requesting answers to your questions or simply ‘phone BPBrokers on 02 4322 1189. BPBrokers will then advise the next steps once you have decided to continue the process.
How much does it cost?
It’s Free for Purchasers. BPBrokers do not charge the prospective purchaser a fee for guidance, information or services conducted in the due course of the sale process. All other professional services sought are a matter for you and your advisors.
About BPA
What we do
BPAdvisory will ensure you enjoy your business and its ongoing success today and for years to come. We offer a range of Services and Strategies that have proven successful and have provided our clients with all the resources necessary to overcome any problems that may come their way. Whether forecasting trends, support, analysing data or administrative resources, we happily equip you with everything you need for a profitable future with the new BPA Biz Pac individually tailored for your unique business.
Since the inception of BPAdvisory, our focus has been on improving financial effectiveness, performance profits and improving capital raising prospects for small business.
Whether you want to do a few small changes to improve your business or the full transition or maybe somewhere in between we can assist you. BPA Biz Pac can provide all the necessary steps in stages or a full transition of your business into the Brave New World.

Retail Store Analysis –A most important step is to have a retail performance footprint to start with to decide what you need. Is it more cards, less magazines, another new product using the same space? Is your space performing for the best return per sq.m. of space allocated? With BPA data we can change the space allocation to increase the profit in the current business’s total area. Ask us how!
This Graph shows Department comparison of Gross Profit produced relevant to the space allocated as a percentage. It’s individual! Like to see your performance?
The Inner Circle matching colour represents Gross Profit earned per Department as a percentage of the total Gross Profit. The Outer Circle matching colour represents the Space allocated per sq.m. per Department. It’s individual! Like to see your performance? Contact BPA now!
How we do it
Flexibility is the Key.
How easy it would be if the same size fits all however we are all individual.
Our individual benchmarking programme has been written to assess your current business against comparable proven key performance indicators. These KPI results will enable BPA to identify areas that need immediate attention. These indicators, when applied to your business, produce a better business’s individual performance as a starting point. This is the footprint needed to establish the pathway to reinvigorate your business assisting business growth in retail performance, sales and profits and helping reduce costs. These results will produce a business’s best performance. The report will identify “out of norm” expenses, wages, rent or others that need review or simply that the sales mix and profit are not performing according to the space allocated.
We set you up to set you free
Your business model is like having a franchise without paying a franchise fee.
BPA Biz Pac does this by using tools that identify the individual performance of your business. From this we create your individual Business Model with display space performance of product sales and profit per sq.m. as well as an Administration package. This will enable you to own your business model so when you are completely satisfied with its performance you can “fly solo”, you’re free of fees with all the help as close as you want it.
BPA Biz Pac can provide a report of income and expenses for newsagents Distribution operations of Home and Subagent Deliveries showing accurate costs and profit return for the individual business. This Report establishes the true value of the distribution as an individual contribution separated from retail. Enquire now 02 4322 1189.
At BPA we will discuss your aims and where you would like to take your business using the most cost-effective methods to make more money. This discussion will enable BPA to assess your needs. This may include a store visit and further detail. Once we have received your information, we can quote you a cost for stages of development or total price for the complete BPA Biz Pac.
When everything is in place, we can monitor your Business on a Monthly basis until you have it right. When you have your new BPA Biz Pac Model up and running smoothly with all Admin sorted, we set you free, but we are still there to help in need.

Len Baggerson - Trade Printing QLD
“By restructuring our business from loss to profit within 6 weeks turnaround BPA satisfied the Bank and Creditors that we were profitable and operable in a very difficult trading situation. BPA monitored our business monthly for a period of 8 months in which we were able to redirect our business’s focus by knowing where we were at.”

Claude Vaccari - Nowra Mall Paper Shop
“Thanks for your negotiation of our new lease, well done, we are more than happy with the result”

Mike and Michele newsagents - NSW
“We credit BPA’S Business Performance Analysis in getting us started in understanding our business efficiencies and more so what to do with them. After studying the Report on space allocation and performance, we were motivated to introduce new lines and improve the space allocated for existing ones. We are very happy with the results since October 2009. We can recommend their analysis report to any serious retailer. ”

Geoff Hilder - Newsagent Sydney NSW
“BPA has been instrumental in achieving a workable rent payment in very unusual and difficult circumstances. It was an agreeable result that suited both parties. This was achieved by BPA demonstrating our business performance and its contribution to the retailing sector within the shopping complex.”